welcome MomScape 2024 Attendees

*Use Promo code: momscape2024

Stop by our booth for your customized chair massage

Massage Consent and liability Form

As Seen On
The Portia Show

After I started my own business, I began to feel overwhelmed and guilty for not spending enough time with my family, and I was struggling to meet my financial goals. After finding my way through that overwhelming feeling, I created a system based on my experiences and expertise as a relationship coach and mental health strategist, where I was able to create a work-life flow that focused on my well-being. Amazingly, this made me more productive at home and in my business. I call this system my four-step ‘EASY Parenting Method’, and my goal is to share it with other moms before they find themselves in my situation. You can read about my journey in my book Confessions Of The Good Mom- A Guide to Clarity, Authenticity, and Self-care for Busy Moms.

What More do you want to know about massage for infants, toddlers, and teens?

Access to your FREE gift! Your feedback is very important to me. Scan this QR code and let me know how you felt about my presentation today. You can also ask questions about the EASY Parenting Method, massage for couples, or any other courses offered on my website at villageacademycourses.com. 

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