Our Children Are A Message To A Future We Will Never See. - Elijah Cummings


Join Anita Prendergast, licensed massage therapist and certified relationship coach, and Mia Elmsäter, co-founder of the Massage In Schools Programme (MISP) to discover how the internationally recognized MISP enhances emotional literacy and why this is important for children’s learning potential.

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About Me

I am Anita Prendergast and I am passionate about what I do.  As a licensed massage therapist and certified relationship coach, I teach families how to develop wellness practices to manage household stress. I founded Village Academy for Families, LLC which provides online courses and in-person tutorials on how to create and maintain healthy relationships using touch as a mode of forming deeper connections. Watch the video below to learn more about my EASY approach to parenting. Click on the Keynote Speaker page to see other mental health strategies I use to foster positive community interactions.